Deep-marine brine seeps stimulate microbial nitrogen cycling:
implications for the formation of sediment-hosted ore deposits
Deep-marine brine seeps in the modern ocean are considered analogues for
settings that favoured the formation of sedimentary-exhalative zinc and
lead deposits in deep time. Microbial activity plays an important role
in the accumulation of ore minerals, meaning that the extent of
mineralization is at least indirectly dependent on nutrient fluxes.
Here, we investigated the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle in shallow
(15-50 cm) sediment cores from the Orca Basin brine pool and surrounding
sites, as well as from an active brine seep area near Dead Crab Lake in
the Gulf of Mexico, with the aim of constraining the effect of brine
seepage on this bio-essential element. We find high porewater ammonium
concentrations in the millimolar range, paired with elevated ratios of
organic carbon to nitrogen in sediments, which confirm previous
hypotheses that the brine recycles ammonium from sedimentary strata back
into the water column. Within Orca Basin, we note tentative evidence of
microbial ammonium utilization. At the active seep, ammonium is mixed
into the overlying water column and likely undergoes oxidation. Isotopic
data from sediments and dissolved ammonium, paired with previously
published genomic data, suggest the presence of dissimilatory nitrate
reduction to ammonium (DNRA) at the brine-seawater interface. We
conclude that brine seeps can stimulate biological nitrogen metabolisms
in multiple ways. Our results may help calibrate studies of
biogeochemical cycles around brine seeps that are archived in the rock