Potential of Raman-reflectance combination to quantify liver steatosis
and fat droplet size: evidence from Monte Carlo simulations and phantom
- Hao Guo,
- Vanessa S. Zions,
- Brent A. Law,
- Kevin Hewitt

Hao Guo
Dalhousie University Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Author ProfileVanessa S. Zions
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Maritimes Region
Author ProfileBrent A. Law
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Maritimes Region
Author ProfileAbstract
This study explores a combined strategy of Raman and reflectance
spectroscopy for quantifying liver fat content and fat droplet size,
crucial in assessing donor livers. By using Monte Carlo simulations and
experimental setups with oil-in-water phantoms, our findings indicate
that Raman scattering can solely differentiate between varying fat
contents, while reflectance intensity is influenced by both fat content
and oil droplet size, with a more pronounced sensitivity to fat droplet
size. This study demonstrates the efficacy of combined Raman and
reflectance spectroscopy in assessing liver steatosis and fat droplet
size, potentially aiding in assessing donor livers for transplantation.16 Apr 2024Assigned to Editor 16 Apr 2024Submission Checks Completed
16 Apr 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
16 Apr 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned